Engage with the LORD
in a variety of ways.
There will be both corporate and individual prayer times. Pray with others using Scripture, prayers the Church has composed over centuries of following Jesus and spontaneous prayer. Lift up the needs of the global Church during missions prayer meetings, a GFA World 40-year tradition.

Each morning, greet the day with worship, time in the Word and a message from Christian leaders.
Be impacted by the testimonies and lives of individuals who have dedicated their lives to serving the Lord and have walked with Him, ministering to the most vulnerable across the globe.

Learn about the practices cultivated over the past 2,000 years by godly men and women who turned the world upside down with the Gospel. Gain tools to do the same in your world.
Our journey with the Lord is not about following rules or having the right answers; it is an intimate relationship rooted in love. Spend time in His presence and meditate on His Word.

Process the week together, spurring one another on to love and good works.
Experience Kyrie Eleison-style worship where the cares of the world melt away. Be transported to the throne of God as we join in one heart and voice to praise the Lord.

Get to know others with the same heart and passion for the Lord over community meals with the GFA World staff.
There are several places to hang out, including our coffee house, bookshop, volleyball court and prayer trail. New friends (almost) guaranteed.

“Our journey with the Lord is not just about following rules or finding the right answers to live by. It is the love relationship, the intimacy with Him, that becomes the force that propels us to pray and fast, to give and work for the Lord, to sit alone with Him, to meditate on His Word. That is the engine that keeps us going.”
—K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan), founder of GFA World