
Bringing Comfort and Hope to Sri Lanka's Flood Victims

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Heavier than usual monsoon rains blew through the island nation of Sri Lanka, causing extensive flooding. The floodwaters remained for as long as nine days in some parts of the country.
The flood waters and landslides washed away crops and contaminated fields with sand and debris.
GFA World Compassion Services teams immediately sprang into action. The missionaries and volunteers filled vehicles with supplies and traveled from village to village assisting the people.
In each village the teams found crowds of people waiting for them. In the first village, there were 252 families who had lost their homes. They went to another village that same day and ministered to another 98 families.
The GFA teams distributed staple foods such as rice, dahl, sugar, dried and canned fish, salt and tea—along with fresh, dry clothing&madsh;to families affected by the floods.
The people were so happy that someone had come to help them in their time of greatest need. Sri Lanka's government officials are also expressing gratitude for the missionaries' work among the people.
But even as the floods subsided, they left standing water that is contaminated and not fit for human consumption.
So now, the relief teams are facing the first effects of waterborne illness. A severe strain of malaria is spreading in some villages, claiming additional lives.
The flooding also contaminated many water wells. Using the knowledge and equipment they received from Texas Baptist Men volunteers after the tsunami of 2004, the GFA teams are systematically cleaning the wells.
After a few hours work, the people in this village have clean drinking water again.
So far, the missionaries have helped more than 1,200 people, but they have only just begun. Recovery is expected to take at least another year, and GFA's Compassion Services teams will continue meeting the people's physical and spiritual needs for as long as it takes.
date posted 06/13/08