
Quenching Their Thirst Part I

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With many areas of India suffering through long-term drought, one of the greatest physical needs villagers have is for pure drinking water.
When Pastor Chandra began his ministry in Andhra Pradesh the villagers opposed him, and even had him arrested and thrown in jail.
Chandra was released several months later and continued to pray for a breakthrough in the hearts of the people.
The Lord showed the young pastor he could gain their trust by drilling a community well to meet their need for drinking water.
Through this kind gesture, the villagers began to see that Pastor Chandra cared about them.
People were very surprised by the quality of the water they pumped from the new "Jesus Well.
They called it "sweet water," the best drinking water in the region.
Most wells in the area have bitter-tasting water that can only be used for washing and irrigation.
And unlike those wells, the "sweet water" from Pastor Chandra's well doesn't run out after only a few hours of pumping.
The "Jesus Well" has given Pastor Chandra and his wife many opportunities to share about Christ, the source of Living Water.
Their love and witness has resulted in a thriving church where new believers in this tribal village eagerly meet for worship.
Pastor Chandra and his family know that the Jesus Well, made possible because of the gifts and prayers of caring friends, has had a significant impact on their ministry.
posted 10/25/2005