Empower Women with the Ability to Read

Believers Vulnerable Because of Illiteracy

South Asian believers are immersed in an anti-Christian society. How will they stand firm in their faith if they can't read the Bible?

By Learning to Read, They Stand Firm

But now, through GFA World's Women's Literacy Program, the written world is opening up for the first time. Women learn by reading the Bible, which is the foundational text for the classes, so they gain a knowledge of Scripture even before they've completed the course.

Pastors' wives and women missionaries serve as teachers, so students have the opportunity to grow spiritually under their mentors. The ability to read and understand for themselves also gives these women the confidence to refuse unfair contracts, whether they're from loan officers or abusive employers.

Many women in GFA-supported churches struggle because they cannot read God's Word. Help them know the Lord more by giving to GFA World's Women's Literacy Program.

More than one in three women in Asia are illiterate—and the statistic holds true for women in GFA World-supported churches. Their inability to read leaves them vulnerable to those wanting to take advantage of their ignorance, and without reading the Bible, it's a challenge to deepen their knowledge of their Savior.

Donate to Women's Literacy


GFA World is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. All donations to GFA World are income-tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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