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Frequently Asked Questions

About GFA World's Ministry During COVID-19

Find answers to your questions about sponsored missionaries and children, prayer request prompts, details about what relief work looks like, and more.

How are national missionaries working in the midst of the pandemic?

Whenever disasters strike, our workers are uniquely positioned to respond to needs within communities they serve year-round and can immediately respond with compassionate aid. Throughout the pandemic, because of our many years of service, GFA workers have received special permission from local authorities to bring emergency relief even during lockdowns. GFA workers have also called people in their communities, and visited when possible, to check on their welfare and offer encouragement and prayer. You can visit this page to learn more about GFA World’s COVID-19 relief efforts.

What about my sponsored children? Are they still being taken care of?

Despite the hardships brought by the pandemic, GFA workers have continued to help sponsored children and their surrounding communities. They have remained in contact with students and their families to learn their needs and compassionately provide aid. As a result, not only sponsored children but also thousands of men, women and children have been fed and have received other essential items. In some areas, students have received notebooks and other school supplies to help them continue their studies.

Can I still send letters to my sponsored child?

Yes! Though the pandemic continues to interrupt our program’s letter-writing process as well as mail delivery on the field, please continue to write to your child. Be assured your letters will be delivered as soon as possible and will be an encouragement to them, perhaps now more than ever.

Why has there been such a long delay in hearing back from my sponsored child?

While Western countries are slowly returning to normal, many developing countries where we work are taking much longer and will have a more difficult recovery time. Many places are still under heavy restrictions, and services such as mail delivery may be unavailable or delayed. But please continue to write to your child(ren). Your letters may be delayed, but once they reach your child, your care and concern will be a great encouragement for them.

You can login to your online account and write a letter to your child here »

If project centers are closed, what is happening with my sponsorship donation?

Your monthly support continues to make a vital impact. Though GFA World’s child sponsorship program has been unable to hold its regular activities in many areas, GFA workers have continued to impact children, their families and entire communities as they have offered helping hands in this time of great need. During a time when parents have been unable to work and provide for their families, GFA workers have aided sponsored children and their families with their most basic need: food. As some schools have reopened, students have also received notebooks and other school supplies to help them continue their studies.

While child sponsorship connects you with one special child, our support model pools your monthly donation for maximum effectiveness to enable long-term community development programs that empower your sponsored child and their family, as well as others in need in the community. Our years of experience have shown that the most effective way to help a child is to strengthen the child’s entire community. Currently, many of the communities that we work in face critical pandemic-related challenges, and our workers are responding to those desperate needs to help these communities recover from this crisis so they can move forward and build stronger communities with a brighter future for their children, including the one you sponsor.

How can I pray for my sponsored child?

Your prayers for your sponsored child are incredibly important, especially right now! Below are a few suggestions for things you can pray for, but please pray for those things the Holy Spirit places on your heart concerning him or her.

  • Pray for health and provision for them and their families.
  • Pray they retain knowledge already gained and continue in their academic growth.
  • Pray for their spiritual and personal development during these trying times.
  • Pray their parents can find or resume work.

Can I give to help my sponsored child and his/her community in this crisis?

Thank you for your generous and compassionate heart! For maximum effectiveness, donations are pooled to help as many people as possible, which includes your sponsored child as well as others in the community. Our dedicated workers are actively distributing essential items, such as food, masks and hygiene kits, to people in need. You can visit this page to provide additional resources and learn more about GFA World’s COVID-19 relief efforts.

What supplies have GFA workers distributed on the field?

Every region has unique needs, and our workers are sensitive to the needs specific to the communities in which they serve. In many areas, the most critical need has been food, and GFA workers have compassionately distributed thousands of meals and food kits to ward off starvation. Our Women’s Fellowships have sewn masks and distributed them to people who could not afford one. Workers have also distributed hygiene kits, which often include hand sanitizer and soap, and conducted awareness programs to help people protect their health. GFA World has also sent medical supplies such as oxygen equipment to help save lives. Through GFA World and its partners worldwide, our COVID-19 relief efforts in 2020 helped over 2 million people in need.

Thank you for the pictures and updates, but why do field staff appear so somber as they distribute supplies?

It’s simply a matter of culture. People in the areas we serve typically don’t smile for photos. Also, in rural or impoverished areas, people may be uncomfortable in front of a camera. Others may consider photo-taking a formal affair and naturally present a serious expression, not unlike photos you may have seen from early American history.

What regions are you helping the most?

Everyone has been affected in some way by this pandemic, and we continue to help the people in the places we serve, including Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Laos and Thailand.

How is Asia dealing with the surge in COVID-19 cases and variants?

Every country is utilizing the best resources and facilities they have to battle this pandemic. Asia is full of countries with dense populations, which can complicate matters regarding the virus’ spread. Governments are making great efforts to help their people and end this crisis. Please continue to pray for leaders to have wisdom as they deal with this complex situation.

How can I pray for the people in countries still grappling with the pandemic?

The needs are great, and there are many different areas of life where the pandemic has impacted people. It’s most important that we pray for the things the Holy Spirit places on our hearts as we cry out to Him, but here are some ways we are praying for people throughout this crisis:

  • For God’s mercy.
  • That God will halt the surge of COVID-19 cases.
  • For God’s protection upon pastors and believers as well as other individuals within their communities.
  • That God will heal those infected.
  • That hospitals will have the necessary resources to properly treat the sick.
  • That God will comfort those grieving the loss of loved ones.
  • Wisdom for leaders.

Donate today to help GFA respond to the ongoing crisis. Together, we are serving those in need.

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