
Children's Ministry Reaches Out to Parents

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After seeing all the kids that poured into his Sunday school classes, Chatura Gagan, GFA World's children's minister for northwest India, began thinking of ways to reach their parents, too.
Chatura and another GFA national missionary started a Bible study in their home specifically for the parents. Just as night falls, the parents begin filing into the tiny living room.
Some of the Sunday school children come to the Bible study, too. Janya, and her older brother, Daiwik, come even though their parents are not yet Christians.
Everyone gathers in a circle for the opening prayer.
One native missionary leads worship songs in the local language. The people love singing praises to Jesus.
Chatura shares a message from the Bible in a way that is easy for the parents to understand. Many of them had never heard the Gospel before attending the study.
The people listen very intently to the message and follow along in their Bibles
After the message, Chatura takes time to pray for the needs of the people.
Although Janya and Daiwik's parents do not come to the Bible study, their children faithfully pray that next time they will decide to come. They request prayer that their parents, and many others, will begin attending the study.
date posted 07/03/07