Gifts of Empowerment: You can Bring Hope Today

On this page, you will find gifts that will help a woman and her family break the cycle of poverty while also serving as a tangible expression of Jesus' love for them.

Give gifts that help rescue women from poverty and bring Christ's love.

BioSand Water Filter

BioSand Water Filter

Suggested donation: $30

Many poor regions of Asia have no source of pure drinking water. Using concrete and sand, these bio water filters remove impurities, providing water for drinking and cooking that is 98 percent pure. For $30, help provide pure water in an Asian village—and a chance for them to hear of the living water Jesus offers.

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Suggested donation: $140 for a pair

When a Dalit family receives your present of a goat or a pair of goats it will be a special day! Goats are hardy and can live in almost any climate. And a pair of goats produces at least two kids each year. Their manure is also good fertilizer. Your gift of goats will be a good way to bring a little joy to a poor family's world.

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Hope for Suffering Women

Hope for Suffering Women

Suggested donation: $50

Bring immediate aid to women in Asia by giving to the Hope for Suffering Women fund. This provides a struggling woman with simple things like a month's rent, food for her family or even basic medical care when it's hard to come by.

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Jesus Wells

Jesus Wells

Suggested donation: $30 to $1,400

Jesus Wells, often located near GFA-supported churches or Bible colleges, provide hundreds of opportunities for missionaries to share the love of Jesus with the villagers who come for clean water. You can provide a Jesus Well for an entire community for $1,400.

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Leprosy Ministry

Leprosy Ministry

The main goal of our leprosy ministry is to share the love of Jesus and the hope of the Gospel with the victims of this disfiguring disease. At the same time, we seek to help them with the many needs and challenges they face in their personal lives, their families and their colonies.

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Medical Ministry

Medical Ministry

Suggested donation: $40 to $375

GFA World’s Medical Ministry teams of trained nurses and doctors visit dozens of villages, and Bridge of Hope Centers, ministering to thousands of people each year, all in the name of the Great Physician—Jesus Christ.

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Sewing Machine

Sewing Machine

Suggested donation: $100

"Sewing" Seeds for Eternity with the Gift of a Sewing Machine

Many families work as laborers; sometimes having to sell their children just to earn enough money to support their family. By providing a sewing machine to those in need, they now have a chance to start their own tailoring business. Once the sewing machine is given, classes are provided so people can start putting their new machines to good use.

Give a Family Hope for the Future

With the funds provided by making and repairing clothes in their community, people who formerly had no hope can now send their children to school and provide for their family. Please provide a practical gift in Jesus’ name to those who need it most.

If you would like to do more, consider gathering your friends and family to raise money for sewing machines. Visit to find out more.

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Slum Ministry

Slum Ministry

Tens of millions of people in Asia live in the squalor of slums—in one-room shanties, usually without electricity, running water or toilets. But through slum ministry, the Lord is giving people in slums the chance for a better life. GFA World-supported national workers serving in slums teach adult literacy classes and tutor children. They disseminate information about health and hygiene. They distribute income-generating gifts, along with practical gifts, like water filters, toilets and clothing. They also share with slum dwellers about the greatest gift anyone could gain: the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.

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Sponsor a Woman Missionary for One Year

Sponsor a Woman Missionary for One Year

Suggested donation: $360

Partner with a woman missionary and help share the love of Christ with other women in Asia. They minister in many ways, including sharing their testimonies, sharing with them the love of God and praying for them, ministering to widows, conducting Women's Fellowships and providing literacy training.

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Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo

Suggested donation: $460

A gift of a water buffalo to a poor South Asian family is good news indeed! Transportation, plough animal, cart hauler, milk giver and more-all in one sturdy creature that is often considered a "member of the family."

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Widows and Abandoned Children

Widows and Abandoned Children

Suggested donation: $75

Blamed for their husband's death, widows in South Asian society are viewed as cursed and left to fend for themselves. Abandoned children face similar circumstances and are forced to provide for their own livelihood. These precious women and children need to hear that Jesus loves them. The Widows and Abandoned Children fund provides GFA-supported missionaries with the means to help these beloved women and children of God.

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Women's Literacy Program

Women's Literacy Program

Suggested donation: $25

Women's Literacy Classes Teach Scripture and Skills
Women across South Asia gather each week for literacy classes where they learn reading, writing and math skills. When a woman completes the course, she's able to read warning labels to protect her children and understand contracts to avoid bonded labor. She won't get cheated at the marketplace because she will finally know how to add. And she can read the Bible for herself and teach it to her children.
Empower Women with the Ability to Read
These women must become better equipped to survive in a society that frequently takes advantage of them. Classrooms are available and willing teachers are ready—all these eager students need is a literacy book and something to write on. Please donate toward these effective teaching tools.

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Donation Summary



Our Stewardship Commitment

GFA World is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA's actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. GFA World seeks to use contributions raised for a particular ministry in furtherance of that charitable objective, but retains control and discretion over all donated funds to further its overall charitable objectives.

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