Sponsor Myia

My GFA Story

I came to GFA in 2022 to participate in their Apprenticeship Program. Through the program, I was able to learn and see the great need of how many people still need to be reached with the Gospel. I often reflect on my own life, and how lost I actually was without the Lord Jesus. It is hard to think about people that do not even know His name. Through my service at GFA, I want to make much of an impact as I can; to be a part of taking on the Lord's burden so many can be reached with the Good News. It is a privilege to learn what it means to actually serve and to be a part of something that is much bigger than myself.

What I do

I serve in GFA's Staff Recruitment department. This involves reaching out to individuals who have expressed interest of being involved in the ministry, traveling to various job and college fairs, and conducting interviews of potential candidates.

More About Myia

Where I'm from

Where I Serve


Favorite Bible verse

Philippians 1:6

Favorite Field Ministry

Child Sponsorship

Hobbies and Interests

I enjoy going to the gym, hiking, kayaking, watching documentaries and enjoying different cultural foods.

About Partnering with Behind-the-Scenes Missionaries

You can help provide for a member of the Mission Support Team for as little as $50 per month. For each monthly pledge to GFA World’s Behind-the-Scenes Missionary Fund, you will receive a packet that includes the photo and personal information of a behind-the-scenes missionary you can pray for and contact. (To pledge more than $50 monthly, please call us at 1-800-946-2742.)

Whatever role the team member plays in their administrative office—from contacting ministry supporters to processing donations or designing web pages—each one fills a crucial need within the ministry and enables more than 100 national missionaries to minster in Asia.

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