GFA World Media

Photos: ‘Untouchable’ Boy Finds Acceptance, Love

It was 6 a.m. and the start of a new day for 6-year-old Nihal. He woke up knowing the first thing he had to do was feed the family pigs. It was a menial chore, and it would be his responsibility for the next six years.

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untouchable boy

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Photos: Jesus Well Relieves Water Crisis

Vimal grew up in an agrarian village where most of the locals were farmers, relying on small ponds to irrigate their fields and sustain their livestock. Women relied on the single water well in the village, almost a mile away, for their daily cooking, bathing and cleaning needs.

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Jesus Well RWC

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Photos: The Only Medical Care They'll Ever Recieve

Aashna squatted on a dirt floor beside brightly clothed women all waiting to see a doctor. Each had different needs, different concerns. For Aashna, this was her only opportunity to help her baby boy.

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Medical Care

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Photos: The Pastor and The Gangster

Pastor Shorya knew the Holy Spirit had been speaking to him about going to visit a certain village—a village where he’d been told not to come back. The GFA-supported pastor lived nearby and had gone there several times, offering a message of hope to any who wanted to hear.

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Medical Care

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