Tarana: A Widow in the
Nepal Earthquake

When the earth started shaking, Tarana’s husband rushed inside their home to look for their children, unaware they were safe outside. The house collapsed and killed him instantly. Tarana became a widow, left to care for her five children between the ages of 2 and 16 on her own. Tarana felt helpless without her husband and thought there was nothing she could do to rebuild her home and her family.

Tarana: A Widow in the Nepal Earthquake

Although this sudden tragedy left Tarana heartbroken and worried about the future of her children, a GFA World-supported Compassion Services team reached out with the love of Christ in her time of need.

The relief team visited her mountainous village in May 2015 to provide relief supplies, and Tarana was among those who received help. The team helped provide for some of Tarana’s immediate needs, including giving her a blanket, tarp, soap and noodles. Tarana expressed her gratitude for the help and compassion she received from the church.

Please pray for Tarana, her family and other Nepal earthquake survivors as if they were your own family members.

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