Photos by category: Compassion Services

Monday, August 5



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Saturday, June 29

A Deeper Sacrifice

Debalal was a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was diligent in the Lord’s ministry. He brought many souls to the Kingdom during his long ministerial life. Tragically, he was persecuted and viciously murdered while praying. His beautiful relationship with the Lord and his couragaseness will now live on through his wife and children. In this photo they are praying with a GFA-Supported pastor, keeping their faith in the hardest of times.

Read how one man's death gave other's courage to live



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Sunday, June 23

International Widows Day

Today, on International Widows Day, let's reflect on these sad statistics on widows and how we can help lower them—92 percent of India's women aged 70 and older are widows and one in four homes in India is home to a widow. Street begging and prostitution often becomes a way of life for younger widows and many are left caring for their children with little help from relatives.Those who cannot bear the shame may turn to suicide as their only escape.

Deliver hope to some of the most broken women in Asia.



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Tuesday, June 18

Bringing hope to the women

These widows are undergoing literacy training through GFA-Supported sisters of Compassion. Here they will learn to read and write which help them earn a living and read the Bible. "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James— 1:27

Help a woman in Asia learn to read



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Monday, June 10

Protecting families from Malaria

From time to time, the municipal authorities spray mosquito repelling smoke in the slums to prevent sickness caused by mosquito bites.

Prevent diseases and help cure illnesses



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Wednesday, May 8

A difference being made

Here you can see a GFA-supported Sister of Compassion teaching women to read and write during a literacy class. Now these women will be able to provide for their families in ways they couldn’t before by tutoring their children, protecting their families and learning some of life's most basic lessons.

With your help, women in Asia can learn to read



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Thursday, April 11

Strengthening poor communities

Here you can see a wonderful combination of medical professionals, Sisters of Compassions and church volunteers all driven by the love of God to serve the "least of these". They worked diligently to meet the medical needs of people from 14 different villages at this free GFA-supported medical camp.

Help prevent and cure illnesses



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Tuesday, April 9

A burning desire to help

This Sister of Compassion is seen encouraging and helping some women during registration at a medical camp. She has undergone special training to uniquely serve communities and help in many different areas of need.

Learn more about Sisters of Compassion



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Sunday, April 7

Join us in celebrating World Health Day

GFA-supported medical ministry is helping thousands who are in need of medical attention, all while displaying the love of Christ. Medical camps, a major aspect of GFA-supported medical ministry, bring skilled doctors, medical staff, medication and health training to areas where people rarely have the chance to see a doctor. These camps may be organized in Bridge of Hope centers, remote villages, crowded slums—any place there is need and opportunity.

Help sponsor a medical camp



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Friday, April 5

Humanitarian assistance and spiritual hope

These women are happily carrying home their new mosquito nets they received through a GFA-supported Christmas gift distribution. Nets like these create a physical barrier against malaria-carrying mosquitoes, and can create a profound difference in their everyday health.

Pray for many to be blessed with mosquito nets



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Monday, March 18

Receiving medicine and love

After hearing about a free medical camp organized through GFA, this mother walked three miles carrying her young boy seeking help. He has endured a lot of pain from this boil-like growth on his head, but due to a lack of financial stability, they couldn't afford to visit a doctor. But through these free medical camps and God's love, he is now receiving the treatment he needs.

Learn how medical camps are impacting other villages



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Wednesday, February 27

Healing the rejected

GFA-supported Leprosy Ministry is bringing practical help in Jesus' name to the suffering and needy. Patients have found healing, compassion and love, which equips them to live with more hope in the future.

Please help meet the need of leprosy patients



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Monday, February 25

Health Advocacy

Every week, these Sisters of Compassion and paramedical staff meet with the leprosy patients in this colony and clean, bandage and dress their wounds, as well as properly medicate them.

Help support the cost of medical treatment



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Friday, February 22

Cultivating compassion

This Sister of Compassion is seen here walking an elderly woman with leprosy to get her wounds cleaned and dressed.

Learn more about the Sisters of Compassion



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Monday, February 18

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way

These poor victims of leprosy have no other choice than to beg as they are incapable of doing physical work.

Read this story about the stigma of leprosy



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Monday, February 11

There is a power in God's Word beyond all description

This man is reading a piece of Gospel literature that was given to him by a pastor. That same pastor has been doing ministry in the slums for nine years! He distributes literature pieces daily, prays for the sick and shares the love of God.

Read News from the Mission Field



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Friday, February 8

Compassion is about giving all the love that you have

Pastor Marty is well respected in the slum where he serves; here he is talking with a fellow slum dwelling neighbor.

Learn more about GFA-supported ministry in slums



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Wednesday, February 6

Desperation-filled slums in Asia are growing

As the ministry in the slums are growing, a Bible college graduate has joined Pastor Marty and a fellow GFA-supported missionary to help them bring Christ's love to the suffering.

Watch Pastor Marty's Testimony



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Monday, January 14

Severe flooding in Kerala

K.P. Yohannan visited victims at one of many relief camps after 2018's severe Kerala flooding. In August 2018, the South Indian state of Kerala experienced the worst flooding in nearly 100 years. There is still much to be done and many people to help so the relief work is still going strong

Give to the Disaster Relief Fund



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Monday, November 19



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Friday, April 27



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Thursday, April 19



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Wednesday, April 18



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Tuesday, April 17



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Monday, April 16



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Saturday, April 14



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Friday, April 13



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Thursday, April 12



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Wednesday, April 11



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Monday, April 9



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Sunday, April 8



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Saturday, April 7



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Friday, April 6



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Thursday, April 5



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Wednesday, April 4



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Tuesday, April 3



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Wednesday, February 28



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Tuesday, February 27



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Monday, February 12

Prevention is better than a cure

These leprosy patients are waiting their turn for treatment at a GFA-supported medical center.

Learn how GFA is helping to meet medical needs



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Tuesday, February 6

Choosing kindness is just as easy as smiling

A caring Sister of Compassion is talking to a leprosy patient who grew emotional when she saw the love and concern they expressed towards her.

Will you help a victim of this disfiguring disease?



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Monday, February 5

Eagerly welcomed as caregivers, counselors, teachers and friends.

This Sister of Compassion and her team visit this woman and feed her by hand every Wednesday and Thursday. This precious lady is unable to feed herself due to complications from Leprosy.

Who are the Sisters of Compassion?



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Sunday, February 4

Showing love and dignity to the rejected

A Sister of Compassion is talking with a Leprosy survivor. She helps her with chores that she's unable to do because her leg was amputated due to Leprosy.

Learn about the need for Leprosy Ministry



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Monday, January 29

Children are the future of any society

Each new generation needs Biblical guidance to grow their relationship with God. This brave child is leading a devotion at a home for girls rescued from the street, by opening prayer and raising her hands in worship.

Pray for specific areas of ministry



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Monday, January 8

Gaining more than a blanket

Icy wind + no indoor heating + tatatered clothing = Misery, sickness or even death.

You can change this equation!

The simple act of placing one or two warm blankets in the arms of a parent or grandparent can powerfully impact a family, just like this father and his kids. It also can remind them that, though they are poor and overlooked by many, others like you extend genuine love to them.

Give a family in Asia a blanket



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Sunday, December 10

Love: Second Week of Advent

“Let us remember the poor, and not forget kindness to strangers; above all, let us love God with all our soul, and might, and strength, and our neighbour as ourselves.”
—St. Athanasius

Today marks the 2nd week of advent! This week's theme is Love.

Want to celebrate Christmas more intentionally with your family this year? It's not too late to sign up for GFA's free 2017 Advent Devotionals! You'll receive an email each morning with the scripture readings, prayers, and other encouraging Advent readings for each day.

Subscribe to the free devotionals



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Thursday, December 7

He is the hands and feet of Jesus

In his area, this pastor is the hands and feet of Jesus. National workers like him establish fellowships every day in Asia. Through their labor and love, God is moving in miraculous ways!

Learn more why Gospel for Asia is all about national missionaries—and how God is using them to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

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Thursday, November 30

Beauty from Ashes

This family's home was completely destroyed as a result of persecution. Here, they are standing in the doorway of their new home, though it would be another month before the home would be complete and ready for them to move in.

Read another story about a pastor named Nateshwar who was hospitalized and bedridden for a week as a result of persecution.

Read Pastor Nateshwar's story



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Tuesday, November 28

Disaster Relief Team Moves to Action

A group of men fills many bags of rice to give to families affected by disaster. Learn more about GFA's Compassion Services teams like these and be a part of ministering to people in need.

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Monday, November 20

A roof over their heads

Most of the houses in the villages here are made of wooden sticks, coconut thatches or dirt tiles and dirt without any strong foundation and strong walls. It's no wonder that rainwater can easily enter the wall and roof, causing damages to most of the village homes.

But with these tin roofing sheets—a relatively inexpensive gift that many people in Asia can't afford—their homes can withstand monsoon rains and other storms year-round!

Give a family in Asia protection from the elements with a durable tin sheet roof.

Give tin roofing sheets



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Sunday, November 19

World Toilet Day - November 19

Happy World Toilet Day! Like this family, many people in Asia have been given outdoor toilets through GFA-supported sanitation projects—a huge blessing for families without a proper place to use the restroom. Using the bathroom outside can be dangerous or lead to life-threatening diseases. So not only do outdoor toilets give families clean, private places to go to the bathroom, but it can actually help save their lives too!

Read how another man named Sakshi responded when his family received a toilet.

Read the story



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Wednesday, October 25

Commited wholeheartedly to the people

Since becoming a Sister of Compassion, one woman shares, “I see that people respect me. They will even approach me and share their problems with me . . . and I go to them, talk to them and share the Good News.”

From treating the open wounds of leprosy patients to training others in life-saving hygiene practices to rescuing children from the streets, Sisters of Compassion commit themselves wholeheartedly to their communities.

Learn more about Sisters of Compassion



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Wednesday, October 18

GFA's Medical Ministry

Eighty percent of the diseases in Asia are curable—even preventable. But because of lack of access to medications, health care and training in basic hygiene, many are suffering and dying from these treatable ailments. GFA's Medical Ministry is serving to meet the needs of thousands who are in need of medical attention.

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Wednesday, August 2

It's the little things...

This Sister of Compassion is cleaning rice to help a woman in need. Sometimes serving Jesus doesn't look like a great risk or dramatic trip—sometimes it looks like loving the people around you. Learn more about Sisters of Compassion here.

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Friday, July 21

Long-term affects of natural disasters

In the aftermath of a natural disaster, it can be so hard to return to normal everyday life. Children need to go back to school, but often their homes and possessions have been lost or damaged. One practical way GFA is able to help children recovering from disaster is by providing school supplies. These children received notebooks and pencils after the earthquake in Nepal.

Give towards disaster relief



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Tuesday, June 27

Warm blankets in the summertime?

Blankets don't seem that important in summertime, but in the harsh reality of living on the street, they are still needed in many parts of the world. You can provide blankets to people in need regardless of the season.

Give a blanket



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Wednesday, June 14

Rain on a tin roof

Many people love the sound of rain on a tin roof. For many familes in Asia, the simple gift of a tin sheet means they have shelter from the storm. The best South Asian homes are built using simple materials that will withstand the harsh natural elements. That's why many homes have roofs of tin sheets. The tin is lightweight and easy to install, yet durable enough to withstand the monsoon rains.

Read how one family was given a home



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Monday, January 30

Visiting a man with leprosy

Every day, Pastor Jiva (pictured) visits the leprosy colony to encourage and pray for the families there.

Read more of Pastor Jiva's story



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Sunday, January 29

World Leprosy Day

Today is World Leprosy Day! Though thousands still suffer from leprosy worldwide, many are finding hope and healing in Jesus. Praise God!

Learn more about leprosy ministry in Asia



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Saturday, January 28

Finding healing from leprosy

Through our brothers and sisters in Asia ministering to people affected by leprosy, people are finding healing from the disease—and the joy of living with Jesus forever!

Read how one woman found healing



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Friday, January 27

Ministering to the same leprosy colony she grew up in

Bahula (pictured) grew up in a leprosy colony, but she never had compassion on the people there until she came to know Jesus personally.

Read Bahula's story



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Thursday, January 26

Rejected because of disease

How horrible would it be if you had cancer, and because of it, everyone you knew or loved disowned you? Leprosy in Asia is a lot like that. Once you have the disease, all too often you are considered an outcast by your family and end up living alone or in a colony of other people with leprosy.

Please pray for people with leprosy



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Wednesday, January 25

Reaching Friends Ministry

Pastor Jiva (pictured) helped start leprosy ministry in his area. Though it started small, "Reaching Friends Ministry" soon became one of the largest ministries they do in that region.

Read Pastor Jiva's story



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Tuesday, January 24

The affects of leprosy

How can a man work without his hands or feet? Leprosy often will cause people's feet and hands to become disfigured, making it very difficult for men and women affected by this disease to provide for their families.

Help people affected by leprosy



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Wednesday, October 19

Rebuilding can take years

In some areas of extreme poverty, it may take years for families to rebuild after natural disasters. But national missionaries and Compassion Services teams continue to practically help people in need and encourage them in their struggles.

Read how this man was helped after a disaster



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Friday, September 30

Helped through medical camps

This is a Gospel for Asia-supported medical camp. Through camps like these, families are finding healing and learning the importance of good hygiene. Please pray many more people will be helped through medical ministry!

Learn more about GFA-supported medical ministry



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Tuesday, September 27

Preparing relief packets

This team is working hard to bring relief to families in Asia after a natural disaster struck. Each one of these bags has 10kg of rice, along with additional food, cooking supplies and soap.

See the newest update on flood relief work in India



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Monday, September 26

Love for those rejected by society

By providing treatment and practical help for leprosy patients, Compassion Services workers show that Jesus loves and accepts all—even those rejected by society and disfigured by disease.

Please pray for leprosy patients



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Wednesday, September 21

Grateful for relief

Women, men and their families are very grateful for Gospel for Asia-supported Compassion Services bringing relief to them, especially for those who, because of flooding, have lost their homes and livelihoods.

See the latest update on flood relief work in India



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Monday, September 19

GFA-supported medical ministry

Many people in Asia can't afford medical treatment or haven't been taught basic hygiene, which is why GFA-supported medical ministry is educating families on hygiene and hosting medical camps for the sick.

Pray for medical ministry and other ministry to the needy



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Thursday, September 15

Encountering God's heart

In her culture, she may be considered an outcast because she suffers from leprosy. But in God's eyes, she is precious and special. Women and men like her who suffer from this disease are encountering God in their hearts and are finding healing in His arms.

Please pray for people suffering with leprosy



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Monday, September 5

Supplying relief

Imagine you had no sugar, no tea or coffee, no food and no soap. That's what many families in Asia face after natural disasters. But through Compassion Services teams, people recieve relief supplies, like those pictured here—rice, dal, baking supplies and soap.

Be a part of giving relief supplies



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Monday, April 25

World Malaria Day

Offering protection from an infected mosquito's sting, mosquito nets are a cheap and effective means of preventing malaria.

Give a mosquito net in honor of World Malaria Day



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Sunday, April 24

A Widower in the Wake

Pastor Tamang lost his wife in an earthquake in 2011. Though it was difficult to continue on without her, he persevered. "It was the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the prayer support of my believers that helped me to stand firm after the death of my wife," he says. "God comforted me so I can continue my ministry."

Read Pastor Tamang's Story



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Thursday, April 7

World Health Day

By God's grace, Gospel for Asia-supported medical ministry is meeting the physical needs of thousands of people in Asia, and the love of Christ is touching many hearts through their work!

Donate to GFA's Medical Ministry for World Health Day



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Thursday, February 25

GFA’s Medical Ministry

Trained teams from GFA's Medical Ministry visit dozens of villages and Bridge of Hope Centers, ministering to thousands of people each year, all in the name of the Great Physician—Jesus Christ.

Learn more about GFA's Medical Ministry



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Saturday, February 20

Amazing love

Shunned by their society, those afflicted with leprosy are amazed when missionaries tangibly display the love of Christ by talking with them and caring for them.

Learn more about GFA's leprosy ministry



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Thursday, February 11

Blankets and hope

Blankets provide much needed warmth for those struggling without proper shelter or clothing, like this woman. She received a blanket after the Nepal earthquakes hit her nation in 2015.

Provide a blanket for someone in South Asia



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Sunday, January 31

World Leprosy Day

“It is because of God’s grace that we have the strength, courage and motivation to work among these people, to share with them, to hug them, to love them and to care for them,” says Pastor Jiva, a GFA missionary working among leprosy patients.

Reach out to leprosy patients in honor of World Leprosy Day



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Saturday, January 30

He found Jesus at just the right time

Weary from suffering with leprosy for 28 years, and now high blood pressure and diabetes, Balwant planned to end his life. But at just the right time, he found Jesus! He passed away on Dec. 29, 2015, and now gets to spend eternity with the One who loves him—redeemed and fully restored.

Read Balwant's story



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Friday, January 29

No one was there

“No one was there to take care of me. No one was there . . .” That’s something many people affected with leprosy can repeat over and over again.

Learn how you can pray for those affected by leprosy



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Thursday, January 28

Compelled by love

With a growing team of men and women who serve with committed hearts, hundreds of people suffering from leprosy are finding healing and wholeness to their once-marred lives.

Read about Pastor Jiva and Bahula, two people serving those with leprosy



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Wednesday, January 27

The hands and feet of Jesus

Reaching out to leprosy patients with the love of Christ, missionaries working in leprosy colonies have the privilege to literally be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Learn more about GFA's leprosy ministry



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Tuesday, January 26

Healing for the Sores on Her Soul

“Would you like us to clean your wounds?” asked Pastor Jiva. After being neglected by society all her life, Kishori was surprised when GFA missionaries visited her, cleaned her wounds, and encouraged her that Jesus could heal her completely.

Read Kishori's story



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Monday, January 25

Abandoned and scorned

Every year, there are nearly 230,000 new cases of people diagnosed with leprosy. While leprosy is a curable disease, many men, women and children find themselves abandoned and scorned because of it.

Learn how you can pray for those afflicted by leprosy



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Friday, September 11

One of the ways

Health clinics are one of the ways that Gospel for Asia Compassion Services are sharing God's love while meeting the physical needs of many in Asia.

See specific prayer requests for Compassion Services



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Saturday, July 18

Thankful for the help they've received

In the past two months, GFA Compassion Services teams have brought relief to a number of communities in Nepal, like this one, that have suffered the destruction of many homes and buildings. Thank you for your part in providing relief for the hurting people of Nepal!

Be encouraged by these stories of hope from Nepal



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Saturday, July 11

Even the church was destroyed

In some villages in Nepal, like this village, every structure was destroyed or is uninhabitable due to the earthquakes, and the local congregation of believers has been left without a permanent place to worship.

Please pray for God to provide new church buildings for congregations that have lost theirs due to the earthquake



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Tuesday, June 30

The hands and feet of Jesus

Reaching out to victims of leprosy with the love of Christ, missionaries working in leprosy colonies have the privilege to literally be the hands and feet of Christ.

Learn more about GFA's leprosy ministry in South Asia



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Monday, June 29

After the floods came

In times of intense need and after natural disasters, GFA Compassion Services brings food, water, medical care, clothing and sometimes shelter, depending on the circumstances. But what physical relief cannot do, the message of Christ can: bring hope for a better future.

Help bring Christ's love to the suffering and needy



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Friday, June 26

Unsafe conditions

While many houses in Nepal were completely destroyed in the earthquake, others remained standing but are seriously damaged and unsafe to live in.

Please pray for protection for those living in unsafe conditions



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Wednesday, June 24

What they have in common

Whether they know it or not, these precious people have more in common than just the leprosy colony they live in and the disease that brought them there—each one is loved and cherished by the God of the universe!

Tell victims of leprosy, perhaps for the first time, that Jesus loves them



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Wednesday, June 17

Helping meet their needs

Gospel for Asia-supported Compassion Services teams are continuing to help meet the needs of communities in Nepal, and this woman is one of many who received aid.

Read the most recent update from Nepal



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Sunday, June 14

Meeting their needs

Gospel for Asia's Medical Ministry is serving to meet the needs of thousands who are in need of medical attention in Asia, all while sharing the love of Christ.

Watch this video to learn more about GFA's Medical Ministry



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Tuesday, June 9

Thankful to receive help

In efforts to help earthquake victims in Nepal, the GFA Compassion Services team visited Ranipani, village of more than 600 people, to distribute rice, dal and salt. In return, the villagers were very grateful for the help.

Read current updates from Nepal



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Saturday, June 6

Left as a widow

The earthquakes in Nepal left this woman, Tarana, as a widow. She received some help from GFA's Compassion Services team, but like many others in her nation, the coming days will be a struggle for her and her 5 children.

Please pray for God to meet the needs of those in Nepal



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Saturday, May 30

Widowed by Nepal earthquake

This woman, now a widow, lost her husband in the Nepal earthquake. Like many others in her nation, she doesn’t know how to start her life again. Please pray for the people of Nepal to find help and comfort in their time of need.

Read updates and current prayer requests from Nepal



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Wednesday, May 27

Sending help by helicopter

In Nepal, Gospel for Asia Compassion Services workers are continuing to bring relief to the needy, especially those in rural, hard-to-reach areas, that have not yet received aid.

See current prayer requests for Nepal



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Sunday, May 24

Struggling to rebuild

In the wake of two earthquakes and multiple aftershocks, the nation of Nepal is desperately struggling to rebuild. Please pray that God will provide abundant peace and hope for the people of Nepal in this time.

Learn how you can help bring hope to Nepal



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Thursday, May 14

Second deadly earthquake in Nepal

Another deadly earthquake shook Nepal on May 12, 17 days after the first earthquake devastated the nation. “There is fear among everyone. You can just feel it. People who have already lost so much are beginning to lose hope.” —Raahi, a GFA-supported photojournalist

The nation of Nepal needs hope—learn how you can pray or give



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Tuesday, May 12

Two weeks later

Over two weeks after the earthquake, GFA's compassion services teams are still working full force to provide relief. Many people, like this man, received bags of rice or other relief supplies.

See a timeline of the relief efforts in Nepal and learn how you can help



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Thursday, May 7

Providing relief

Thirteen days have passed since the earth shook and millions of lives in Nepal were forever altered. The headlines may have died down, but providing relief for the estimated 8 million people affected by the earthquake will be a long-term effort.

Join us as we provide for the needs of the millions affected



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Sunday, May 3

Longing for something better

What does she wish for most? That her child could have something better than poverty, filth, and hunger to look forward to in life?

Mother's Day is coming up next week—find out how you can give hope in honor of Mom this year



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Wednesday, April 29

Deadly Earthquake in Nepal

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central Nepal on Saturday, April 25, and more than 4,000 people have died. Our Compassion Services teams promptly began offering aid and ministering to survivors, but thousands of people are in desperate need.

Help bring relief to Nepali earthquake survivors



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Tuesday, April 7

World Health Day

Today is World Health Day! By God's grace, Gospel for Asia's Medical Ministry is meeting the physical needs of thousands of people in Asia, and the love of Christ is touching many hearts through their work!

Celebrate World Health Day by donating to GFA's Medical Ministry



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Wednesday, February 18

Suffering in the cold

Every winter in the northern part of South Asia, many people suffer, and some even perish due to insufficient clothing and shelter. Imagine what a warm winter blanket would mean, if you were suffering in the cold!

See what a difference blankets made to a shivering city



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Wednesday, February 11

Bringing smiles to their faces

Leprosy patients don't often experience love or care from others because of their disease, but the love of Jesus shown to them by GFA-supported workers is bringing hope and smiles to their faces!

Get involved to help them



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Monday, February 2

In the name of the Great Physician

Gospel for Asia's Medical Ministry teams often reach out where medical attention is scarce. The treatment is free to the recipients, but the eternal difference it makes cannot be measured!

Make an eternal difference with GFA's Medical Ministry.



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Tuesday, November 11

In the Slum

If they get too sick or too old to work, there is no social agency to help them survive. No wonder many slum dwellers drown their fears and sorrows in alcohol.

Read how we are reaching people through our Slum Ministry



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Saturday, October 25

A New House

You can provide a simple, strong house for a family. A house that will remind them that some people called Christians loved them enough to give them shelter and that their Jesus loves them as well. Like this woman who received a new house.

Build a house for someone who needs it, liks this woman.



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Thursday, October 23

In the Heart of the Slums

Would you let your child walk through this water? In the slums of South Asia, they don't know any better.

Read a first hand account of a journey to the slums



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Wednesday, October 8

self-sacrifice and patience

It takes tremendous self-sacrifice and patience on the part of our national missionaries to work among the people in the slums, win their trust and show them Jesus' love. It also entails meeting urgent and often unique needs.

Reach those in the slums of South Asia



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Tuesday, September 30

A Disaster

GFA-supported missionaries and volunteers assist survivors of natural disasters by providing food, water, medical care, clothing and even shelter.

Partner with GFA and provide relief to those who need it in Asia



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Monday, September 22

Jesus' Tangible Love

Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries are serving in dozens of leper colonies throughout South Asia, bringing hope to hundreds.

Learn more about how Gospel for Asia is reaching lepers in Asia



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Sunday, August 31

Flood waters devestate South Asia

“We have nothing—nothing,” cried one mother. “What we had has been taken away by the flood. We do not have home, food, water, proper clothes. How shall we survive?”

Read an update from the flooding in Nepal/India



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Friday, August 29

Compelled by Love

Bahula could tell the woman had leprosy; even so she wouldn’t be like the others who looked away and pretended the woman didn’t exist. In Bahula’s heart, this woman was her family.

Read the rest of this story



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Monday, June 16

A love they can see

Although leprosy is easily treated and not highly contagious, the disease’s stigma is so great in certain parts of the world that a diagnosis means a lifetime of isolation.

Learn more about leprosy in Asia



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Tuesday, April 22

A practical love

One of our School of Discipleship students had the opportunity to visit Gospel for Asia’s ministry to a Leprosy Colony in South Asia.

Travel with her as she recounts her experience



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Saturday, April 12

Cyclone Phailin Reconstruction

“There are so many people still waiting for help and camping out on the roads,” said Daniel Punnose, vice president of GFA. “Their land is gone; their farms are gone; their houses are gone. They’re just trying to rebuild their lives right now.”

Help us rebuild their homes



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Thursday, February 13

Cyclone Phailin update

Last fall, Cyclone Phailin ripped through the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, affecting millions and destroying 800,000 homes. Now Gospel for Asia Compassion Services teams are working to rebuild what was lost.

Watch K.P. Yohannan's update



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Wednesday, December 4

Able to earn a living

Because he was given a rickshaw, this young man can earn an income and is no longer enslaved in poverty!

Give a rickshaw today and bless an poverty-stricken individual with a dignified job.



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Tuesday, October 29

So colorful, so different, so needy.

This is what you can find in the market, but also what the people of Asia use to earn some money from tailoring.

Watch the story of Mula and how a sewing machine changed her life.



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Friday, October 25

New house, new hope

After losing everything they have, these people can smile again because they now have Jesus and a new house.

Read more stories about the reconstruction and rehabilitation project, and the hope these brothers and sisters are receiving.



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Saturday, September 28

Christmas is coming!

The best way to bless and love others during the next season is by giving a gift that provides a way to know the best gift of all...Jesus!

Bless others with a gift that keeps on giving



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Friday, September 20

New family member!

This is not just a pig, but a new member of the family which brings dignity, hope, money, food and the love of Christ!

Be a part of blessing a family with this!



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Sunday, May 26

Showing the compassion of Christ

Through Compassion Services, Jesus' love will shine to survivors of natural disasters in practical ways.

Get involved with Compassion Services today— every penny makes a difference!



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