Every Dollar You Spend Online Can Help Change a Life in Asia

Your next online purchase can help take the love of Christ to people who have yet to discover it. All you have to do is find your favorite store through www.GoodShop.com, and a percentage of your purchase will go directly to GFA World!

GoodShop, an online shopping portal, works in partnership with GoodSearch to help web users raise money for their favorite charity. More than 3,000 retailers donate an average of 3 percent—and some up to 30 percent—of every purchase made through their online stores when you enter them through GoodShop. It won't cost you anything extra, and GoodShop even provides discounts and online coupons!

Just go to www.GoodShop.com and follow the online directions to sign up and choose GFA World as the cause you want to help. Then, find a store and start shopping!

A portion of everything you spend through GoodShop will help bring the hope and help of Christ to people in Asia!

For easier access and a reminder to visit stores through GoodShop, you may want to install the browser app, Gumdrop. The toolbar displays the name of the charity you are supporting (GFA World), a store list, available discounts and coupons, the percentage of your purchase price that will be donated, how much you have raised through GoodShop and the total donations that have been raised for GFA.

Not only that, but because GoodShop is a part of GoodSearch, you can use the toolbar for your regular Internet searches so GFA World will receive donations from them as well.

With all these options, it's easy to make everyday shopping significant. When you use GoodShop to support GFA, you'll reap more than a great book or a new pair of shoes. Your bargains can make an eternal difference in the lives of the people of Asia.

DISCLAIMER: This is not an implied endorsement of any of the products offered or of the companies found through GoodShop, nor is it a recommendation that you install the GoodApp toolbar.

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