Pray for Christians and Missionaries Working amid Civil Unrest

Civil unrest is a way of life for the people in many parts of South Asia. In Northeast India, rebel groups attack tribal groups and immigrants from Bangladesh. Until recently in Sri Lanka, Tamil rebels waged war on the government for decades. In other areas, the Maoist political party, which India's prime minister has labeled a major threat to the country, has been implicated for a myriad of intimidation tactics and hundreds of brutal attacks on innocent people.

The local people grow weary of frequent strikes that shut down transportation and commerce. They fear losing their livelihoods to thugs who burn their homes, fields or shops. Parents wonder everyday if their children will be kidnapped and forced to fight for a rebel group. Wives fear their husbands will be killed simply because they are wrongly labeled as informants. Husbands worry their wives will be assaulted. And many wonder if the train they are riding on will be targeted for the next bomb attack.

It is a horrible way to live.

In addition to making daily life miserable, the massive amount of civil unrest often makes it difficult for Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries to share the hope and love found in Jesus Christ. Here are some ways to pray for the missionaries and Christians living amidst civil unrest.

Safety of missionaries

Living in a place where there is ongoing civil unrest is difficult for everyone, including GFA-supported workers and the believers in their churches. Recently, a GFA leader was caught in riot while picking his children up from school. Another missionary was arrested and accused of being associated with the Maoists (also known as the Naxalites) in his village. Pray that God would put His angels around the missionaries and believers to protect them from harm.

Children in Bridge of Hope centers

Bridge of Hope centers are generally an oasis of learning and God's love. But, unfortunately, the centers can be literally caught in the crossfire of the unrest all around them. Children who live in these volatile areas also fear being kidnapped and forced to serve in armed combat. Pray that God would protect the children.

Protection of church buildings, Bible colleges and believers' homes

While most of the violence is not directed specifically at Christians, their churches and homes, as well as GFA-supported Bible colleges, have been targeted by protestors or singled out by arsonists. They need prayers for protection from this type of violence.

Freedom to travel

Civil unrest in South Asia often takes the form of a bandh, a type of strike used to intimidate people. The groups that call for the bandhs threaten harm to any business owner who opens up shop on the day of the strike. Protestors often block highways and shut down public transportation. This combination brings normal activity to a halt for days on end. Bandhs make it difficult for missionaries to move about freely and affects the believers as they try to go to church. Bandhs have also caused GFA film teams to be stranded.

Pray for missionaries to be lights to the rebels

GFA-supported missionaries understand that rebels need to hear that Jesus loves them. Several GFA-supported missionaries can really minister to insurgents because they were once rebels themselves.

Praise God for Answered Prayer

While massive civil unrest may seem overwhelming, all is not lost. God has answered prayer. Nepal was once a country in crisis due to civil unrest, but much has changed there.

  Print these prayer requests out for your convenience.

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